Generac Grid Services Blog

Variable Generation Issues Meet Their Match: Smart Inverters

By Malcolm Metcalfe on Mar 8, 2016 8:04:35 AM


Do you remember that outage that left some 50 million people in the dark on August 14, 2003? It took down 61,900 megawatts of load in eight eastern U.S. states and the Canadian Province of Ontario. The financial impact was as high as $10 billion in the U.S. and $2.3 billion up north. When government researchers from the U.S. and Canada examined the event, they reported that insufficient reactive power was one of the factors leading to it.

So, here’s the big question: When rooftop solar installations start causing localized voltage headaches for utilities, will there be enough local reactive power to bump that voltage up? There will if we get smart inverters along with new solar deployments.

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Topics: Solar energy, DERs, smart inverters, voltage regulation, grid balance

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