Generac Grid Services is thrilled to be at the top of Guidehouse Insights’ 2022 “Leaderboard: DERMS Vendors” and the only vendor able to deliver the full range of DERMS distribution system optimization capabilities in a single platform. Generac Grid Services’ Concerto™ distributed energy resource (DER) orchestration platform continues its position as a leading virtual power plant (VPP) and Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS) platform, having also received top marks in the previous DERMS Leaderboard release.
Jessie Mehrhoff

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Generac Grid Services Selected as Leading Single-Vendor DERMS Provider
Topics: Distributed energy resource management, DERMs, Guidehouse, Leaderboard
DER in Your Territory: Stand Ready to Support Grid Reliability
Smart Technologies Are Moving Beyond Early Adopter Phase…
For the utility grid to support growing electricity demand, we’ll need to harness the collective capacity of the distributed energy resource (DER) installed base. Fortunately, many home appliances are becoming DERs by virtue of their control over energy-consuming devices behind the meter—you may better know these DERs as “smart” devices.
The penetration of “smart” technologies has not yet reached parity with more standard models; however, growing consumer demands for a smart home environment responsive to both occupants’ needs and external factors are moving some communicating, wi-fi enabled, or otherwise intelligent technologies past the “early adopter” phase. If you don’t believe me, just give your email inbox a scan for the promotional emails from manufacturers, big box stores and your favorite online marketplace.
Topics: distributed energy resources, DERs, smart devices, smart grid, grid services, flexible capacity
Reliability & Resiliency: The reality is—we need both.
Earlier this summer, I posted about the extreme heat wave challenging the Pacific Northwest. The summer has brought a myriad of challenges around the Northern Hemisphere. From flooding in Europe to wildfires across the West, severe weather and changing climate patterns continue to strain electric power grid operators tasked with keeping lights on in homes, businesses and critical facilities. In the utility world, the term “resiliency” is offered daily as the goal. “Keep the power grid resilient.” Distributed energy resources (DERs) play a critical role in achieving these targets in two complementary ways. At the risk of sounding pedantic, we need to address reliability at the grid level and resiliency at the end customer site.
Topics: distributed energy resources, DERs, DERMs, virtual power plant, grid stability, grid resiliency, resiliency as a service, power outage
North American Demand Response Season Starts Strong with Heat Wave
At the start of the summer demand response season in North America, grid operators have already used Enbala's Concerto™ platform to dispatch about 100 events to keep the grid stable as heat waves settled upon the western half of North America. Our thoughts are with those in the extreme heat, and we know that describing rising temperatures — coupled with wildfires and severe weather — as "disruptive" is an understatement. However, high temperatures point to the need for distributed energy resource (DER) orchestration to keep the grid stable and to help keep utility customers as comfortable as possible.
Topics: distributed energy resources, demand response, grid reliability, heat wave
I describe myself as a technological optimist—well, within reason. I don’t think that Moore’s Law, the notion that our computing capabilities double every couple of years, permits humans to continue reckless consumption and assume that we’ll be able to innovate our way out of any self-created calamity. I also fear technology’s risk of generating moral hazards; just because we are learning how to capture, sequester, and use some carbon dioxide does not mean we can otherwise continue to emit it recklessly. Joining the Enbala team, however, I do recognize we have the tools at our disposal to reduce the economic and environmental costs to power our society.
Enbala’s Concerto™ software platform, combined with distributed energy resources (DER), creates a balanced, sustainable energy future. I joined this company because I believe that such a future isn’t far away, and if we put our hearts and minds into transforming the energy system, we can green it today.
Topics: DERs, DERMs, clean energy, distributed energy, VPP